For all that He was, He revealed in the flesh. All that He revealed in the flesh, He redeemed in His death. He victoriously gives to all who follow Him: what He redeemed in His death through His resurrection now and forever. The Word of God foretold of Him. He became the living Word, in the world He created, that He might redeem what sin had taken away. As the Risen Lord, the Word is alive forevermore!
The choice to believe all that Jesus Christ was, is and forever will be, is ever before you. To call upon Him is your salvation. Knowing all that Jesus Christ was, is, and forever will be: will change your life… in the moment, in each season, and at your passing. To honor, worship, love, and give Him your life, will unite your heart and soul to the Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Shepherd, and Lord of Lords, now and forever. Kiss the Son, give Him all the honor due Him, and all joy will be yours. Giving your all to the One who gave His all for you will change your life.
Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all who put their trust in Him. (Psalm 2, 21st Century King James Version)