Pure Worship

For something to be pure, it must be free from all defilement, deceptiveness and distortions. Religion can be pure or it can be false, and the actions stemming from religion can be consistent or non-consistent. Religion can denote many dimensional beliefs, various ascetic lifestyles, and guiding principles that translate into a way of living.

Worship likewise can be pure and genuine and it can be false and defiled. Pure worship must come from a true, pure, and humble faith and it involves more than music or feelings. It is a way of living by honoring Christ as supreme as your Lord and Master in all that you do. Pure worship is loving as Christ loves and abandoning anything that is false or defiling. The Greek word almost exclusively translated as “religion” in the New Testament book of James is more closely related to devotion and worship as a way of living than to the modern definition of religion as a belief. May our worship that comes from our faith, be pure in its substance and in its actions. May our hearts be fully devoted to Christ as Lord and King so that in every way our living worship becomes pure worship.

The oldest English translation may be the best!

Pure devotion and being undefiled before God the father is this: to visit the friendless and widows in their adversity and to keep one’s life unspotted from the world. (James 1:27, Tyndale Bible, 1526)

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