The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

The fruit of our days …

“But the Holy Spirit produces this fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there” (Galatians 5:22-24, NLT).

In order for a tree to produce fruit in its season that is tender in consistency, luscious, delicious, and satisfying in its taste; there must be a gathering in of the days occurring in the season. In the gathering of the days, the tree must take in the awakening and renewal of life in the heady pollination days. It must pull in moisture through its leaves and roots over many days of falling rain and the soft blanketing of the dew in the dawn. It must take in the warmth of the sunny afternoons for growth to develop out from the heart of the trunk to build growth and substance. Each season is completed as the time in the days both sustains and embodies the fruit of the days in its ripening and completed purpose.

The days of our living in the Spirit must pull in the moisture of God’s purposeful direction in teaching, yielding, and conviction. We must let the warmth of the light of the Spirit bring changes so that we are full of the substance of the Spirit. The days of our lives when sustained and embodied by the Spirit, will produce a ripened fruit that is vibrant, tender, wonderful, and satisfying.

The “Fruit of the Spirit” is not instantly produced nor does it happen by our human efforts. The “Fruit of the Spirit,” occurs as the days of our lives are willfully released and prayerfully yielded to the transforming change and growth the Holy Spirit creates and crafts in us. We can bear no greater witness of Christ being alive in us nor leave any more significant legacy, than for the “Fruit of the Spirit” to be abundantly evident in our lives as it blesses others and gives glory to God working in us.

Connecting with Christ Bible Reading – Galatians 5

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