Our Savior and Lord

In a familiar garden, he cried out, desperately, for a release from the brutal path before him, yet he humbly forfeited his submissive will to the Father’s all-encompassing plan to save the world. Asking his devoted followers to remain attentive to his agony was his simple request but it was long forgotten, as sleep pressed in and he took up the cup to drink of his own living sacrifice.

Stepping forward into this night of death, he was met with a vicious kiss of betrayal, as plentiful sticks and weapons meant to capture were rendered ironic when he volunteered to be taken away. Ropes now bound the hands, whose holy touch had healed the multitudes of sickness and pain, as false accusations and questions were hurled in disgust at the most compassionate Healer of hearts and diseases ever to walk alongside the people of the earth.

He was struck as he offered truth, cast off from one authority to another in mockery, while his identity, ministry, and very utterances were scoffed at, with heaps of ridicule and relentless scorn. Royal attire was draped upon his severely beaten body as judges were called to condemn the completely innocent man. Eventually, they placed a crown of cutting thorns on his head, hitting it with sticks to drive it deeply into his tender brow just above his loving and compelling eyes.

Even as this assault wore on with savagery, no one spoke out requesting mercy, as the endless noisy riotous calls to crucify rose unjustly from the raving, shouting crowd. Finally, being emotionally, physically, and spiritually spent, He was forced to carry the very structure he would die upon. Massive nails now pierced his yielding flesh, fixing his battered and broken frame upon a torture-intended cursed cross. Yet even here, this dying Shepherd offers forgiveness to the sheep in his care, as he takes his final breath, of a life given up in love, unfathomable to the world.

His life was over and almost all of those called friends and supporters had long disappeared into fear, leaving a secret disciple to even find a place to lay this seemingly forsaken rabbi and prophet. Hope was gone and a gloom settled over the earth and all of his followers, as he was quietly put in a new tomb surrounded by imperial guards to guarantee his remaining abandoned to the grave.

A freedom, no mighty armies could ever deliver nor earthly powers attain: this dying Lamb of God, forever secured for all time in the shedding of his life-giving, freedom-guaranteeing, sin-negating blood. Yet the most significant victory of all throughout all the eons of time was about to burst forth in the light of a new day for all of history. No tomb could possibly contain the victorious Savior of the world, now risen from the grave to banish the power of death forever. For the Christ was now raised up, forever alive, to offer a peace indwelling, Holy Spirit empowered life beyond understanding, now and forever more.

Thanks, be to God for as surely as Jesus lived, He leads us in life. As surely as He died, He redeemed us. And as surely as He arose, He gives us life forever. Christ is risen. Yes, risen indeed! Thanks, be to God!

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (English Standard Bible, I Corinthians 15:57).

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