
Gates are interesting objects. They can be ornate or simple. They can be functional or decorative. They can be massive or flimsy. They can be used to keep someone out or to keep someone in. They can be beautiful as you pass through them or oppressive as they could take away your freedom. Gates have been closed for specific purposes and shut securely to protect cities and property for cities for thousands of years from their enemies. For the same amount of time past and present, gates can be thrown open with great celebration and pageantry for kings and queens and returning heroes and armies.

The gates separating us as human beings in our lowly and sinful state from our King and Savior are thrown open with great celebration and complete liberating salvation when we come to Him and live as our King asks us to. It is a joyous occasion, better than any other celebration on earth when we might enter as followers of Christ and enjoy His Kingdom as full heirs of the generous, gracious, and loving King. Thinking of all the access, mercy, and grace given to us by our benevolent King, should humble us in complete thankfulness. It is in this place of thanksgiving that the gates to the presence of God swing wide open for us. Be constantly and every thankful for the gates of righteousness, opened for you forever by our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Open for me the gates of the righteous; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter. I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation” (Psalm 118:19-21).

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