Oh Lord, come again and be my precious Shepherd …
Thank you for keeping me in your constant care.
Help me to want only you and your provision.
Take me again into your pasture that brings me pure rest.
Satisfy me with the quiet waters of your wonderful peace.
Heal me in the deepest parts of my soul with your restoring hand.
Guide me with your perfect Word so I might follow your paths in life.
Be with me as we walk through this hard dark place with your presence, and lead me beyond this time with your victorious deliverance.
Thank you for being my ever-present Shepherd giving me comfort with each touch of your rod and staff.
Thanks for your loving attention and favor which is a feast beyond compare, as you amaze my enemies with your grace.
Thank you for your anointing favor that covers my head and overflows beyond all abundance upon me.
Thank you for your endless goodness to me and your steadfast love that faithfully surrounds every part of me. I feel safe in your arms, I will stay here forever.
Oh Lord, you are an amazing Shepherd. Thank you, Jesus … thank you.
Steven R. Maas – Published – www.connectingwithchrist.com – August 17, 2023