A Prayer to Our Father in Heaven

Oh, Father in Heaven, You are magnificently beyond and above all of your creation which is vastly incomprehensible in its scope and complexity. Oh, Father in Heaven, all that I can see and realize is nothing compared to Who, You are! My inadequate words cannot come close to describing You and the giving of my greatest honor pales to give You what glory is due You.

Thank you, dear Father, for your purpose in your creation of us, to be in fellowship with you for it is the ultimate expression of intentional relationship. Thank you for redeeming us through Christ from our own selfishness and sinfulness for it is the ultimate action of your indescribable love.

Thank you, dear Father, for your grace which is immeasurably vast, incredibly abundant, and ever available as it overflows endlessly and eternally upon me and You do not withhold from me any good thing.

Thank you, dear Father, that we as children through Christ our Lord, can approach you in our need and You see us and are compassionate to us. Thank you, dear Father, that You forgive us, when we come humbly again and again.

Thank you, dear Father, for You will never fail us and will always give more than we ask or imagine. Thank you, dear Father, that You wait for us, beck to come to You and wrap us in your faithful embrace time and time again.

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for all that You are, all that You give, and that You will forever be my Father! Amen.

“Pray like this then: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by your name … (English Standard Version Bible, Matthew 6:9).

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