The light of the day is being folded into the dusty gray of the blanket of another night sky, dimming the world of color and life. The chorus of melodies of careful worshipful and emotive words written in line and verse has ceased to echo in the sanctuary. The ancient Psalms remain recorded on pages of the hymn and prayer books set aside for another time when pilgrims will once again reflect on faith in their lives. The scene is timeless, from the temple shining on Mount Zion through the years of the Reformation to the simple structures on the prairies and the old and new cathedrals and churches upon the face of the earth.
Who will answer in the night? What will the darkened windows proclaim? When the watchman tries the lock, will a prayer be offered up to the One to whom the structure is dedicated? Will those of the flock that have vacated the place of holiness remember in the night the One who gives love and grace so fully? The Lord is worthy of praise from all who are blessed: beyond all services, beyond the day that has passed, and the night enfolding with all the cares, worries, actions, and thoughts on human hearts and minds. Bless the Lord, in the light of day and through the night, for He alone is worthy of all praise!
Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord! May the Lord bless you from Zion, He who made heaven and earth! (English Standard Bible, Psalm 134)
Photo – Public Domain – FelixMittermeier, Pixabay