Ever Thankful for You, Oh Lord!
(A Psalm 91 Prayer – Congregational Version)
Thank you, that we dwell in the shelter of You, God Most High and we find perfect rest in the shadow of your protection, Almighty God!
Thank you, LORD, that You, alone are our refuge, our peace, our fortress, and place of safety! You are our God, and we trust in You!
We give You all praise and honor because You, Oh LORD, watch over us and rescue us from every trap. You cover us with your feathers because You are compassionate and You shelter us with your wings because You are strong. When we draw close to You, we have a refuge in the truth of your faithfulness, which is our amour and shield against all that would come against us.
Thank you, God, that we do not have to be afraid of the arrows that fly against us in the day, the terrors that may lurk around us in the night, and any diseases that may come our way. Though thousands fall around us, we are safe with You, because You, Oh Lord, are faithful and we give thanks to You!
Thank you, LORD, that You, protect us and our families. Help us Oh Lord, to see and sense your presence when we are weary and afraid. Help us to trust in your guidance and lean on You, in greater ways every day. You are our dwelling place, Oh Lord Most High, no evil can come near our souls, and you keep plagues and disasters away.
We praise You, Lord, for sending your angels to protect us and lift us up when we stumble on the stones of life. We can walk in the most threatening of places and trample all foes and problems beneath our feet because You are with us. We love You, Lord, and trust in your Name.
Thank you, Lord, that You come when we need You, and will rescue and protect us. Thank you, Lord, for we know, You, will answer us when we pray, and are with us in all our troubles. Thank you, Lord for the life You give us now, and for the eternal life You will give us forever. We are grateful that our souls will always be satisfied with You and all that You give us. Our hearts delight and rejoice in our salvation and we are ever thankful. Amen.
(A Thankful, Paraphrase Adaptation of Psalm 91, Steven and Sharon Maas) Ever Thankful Prayer – www.connectingwithchrist.org