“Do not be afraid, city of Zion! Here comes your king, riding on a young donkey.” (Good News Bible Translation, John 12:15)
Here is the “Good News” for the people of all times and for all times for the people. Here is the One who comes as the “Savior of the World” completely different from every other savior that ever came or will ever come. He came not as one clothed in the finest products made by human hands knitted on a loom with the brightest of fabrics as to draw attention to his appearance. Neither did this Savior who was given the title of “Messiah King” come with pomp and strength accompanied with an intimidating and protective entourage clearing the street. He did not come high and mighty seated on a powerful stallion showing his position above the people gathered to see him and embrace the hope he brought to them.
This Savior King came dressed simply as any of the people whom He loved and cared for. This Savior King came amongst and amidst the people bringing an awareness and significance of His coming to them and for them. This Savior King first came in an upside-down event as a Servant King riding on a humble donkey so all those gathered there could approach Him not as a King high above and intimidating on a mighty steed.
Here is the Good News, to all of us. This Savior King came for all of us and He comes to all of us. He is the same today as He was and always has been. Although there is no mightier Savior and there is no greater King, He comes different from every other Savior and every other King. Jesus Christ, the Savior King, comes amidst all that is around us and among us, humble in knowing, all we are dealing with and all we face. He beckons us with His compassion, and love, looking into our eyes and seeing every facet of our lives … offering His abundant forgiveness for all of our sin and His extravagant grace beyond sufficient and amazing to bring us abundant life both now and forevermore. Rejoice in and celebrate your Savior King, who comes riding on a donkey!