Every substance, thing or person is separate from the parts which make each substance, thing or person what it is and who they are. At the same time every part is joined together to make every substance, thing or person; the thing it is or the person they are. Separate parts are joined together to make each thing, substance or even a person. A second is separate from a minute but it also is joined to the minute. A minute is separate from an hour but it is also joined to an hour. An hour is separate from a day but it is also joined to a day. A wife is separate from her husband and a husband separate from his wife, but they are joined together as a marriage. Parents are separate from their children but are joined together in a family. We can reflect and remember any of the particular moments in a day but every moment is joined to the day it is part of.
Here is the power and significance of our relationship with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We are separate from Christ but we are joined to Christ. Thus nothing can separate us from who He is, what He did, what He does and what He can do for us. Our past is wiped clean and we are forgiven of our sins. Forgiveness is ours; we can put our guilt behind us and come in repentance to your Savior because we are joined to Him. If trouble and calamity are behind us, around us or before us: we were not, are not and will not be alone; for we are joined to Christ. If our mind begins to race with anxious thoughts and worry, we can remember we are joined to Christ and seek His presence in prayer. We will then see and sense the Holy Spirit coming as our Comforter and our Crusader to join us in the moment and the situation. Nothing can separate you from Christ if you are joined to Him as Savior and Lord, and you thus joined in relationship to God as His child.
You are joined to Christ; you are His, and Christ is joined to God. All power, provision and protection that comes from God, through Christ is yours: in life or death and in things of today and things yet to happen. All is yours, because you are Christ’s. (Connecting with Christ Paraphrase) of 1 Corinthians 3:23