The foundation was laid with massive stones hewn from deep in the earth. The walls leading up to the sacred place were true, straight, and perfectly positioned with white marble. The courtyard was ordered and marked for specific people and access to each designated area was secured only by sacrifice and decree. Beyond the courtyard, the chosen could venture to the soaring edifice with bronze doors that towered to the sky. Through the doors, the cleansed and holy leaders came to beckon and petition the Creator and Sustainer of life for the forgiveness of sins for the people. Deeper still, curtains as tall as the cedars of Lebanon separated the holiest of men from the presence of the holiest visitation dwelling of the Most Holy God. This was the temple that glistened so brightly on the peak of Mount Zion that those who gazed upon it had to turn away from its spectacular and stunning brilliance.
Yet this magnificent edifice that shone so brightly glistening in the sunlight was destroyed by the powerful Roman army and all that is left is a mountain of massive foundational stones. The Savior who foretold of the second temple’s destruction will someday come with an indescribable brilliance brighter than the sun which He created and with greater power than all the armies the world has ever known.
In the meantime, the temple that glistens does not come from the sun that brightens the day but from the Risen Son who shines and warms our lives. The “Temple” of today is where the Risen Christ dwells in us and it glistens from the living presence of the “One” that created all things and reigns over and above all things (Colossians 1) as He imparts His Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, teach and convict us. He is not separated from us by a heavy curtain but has torn it asunder forever so that He might be with us always (Matthew 28:20) There is no need for endless sacrifices for sin for our Savior became the sacrifice for all sin for all time for any and all who come to Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). Finally, He does not withhold His presence to times and calendars but He covers us with His holiness because of His boundless loving grace banishes all condemnation. (Romans 8:1). Rejoice in the temple that is in you and let your life glisten to give glory to the Lord, that all may see the “Light of the World” abiding in you.
Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you and which ye have from God, and that ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, KJ21).