The Serving Savior

To serve another person requires two essential elements. Serving someone requires your having something of value and your being able to freely give what you possess. The greater value of what is possessed and the manner and extent of what is released … quantifies and determines the extent and excellence of the service given and the value of what is given.

Here is the hallmark of the Savior who saves us, He is the greatest of servants. Jesus Christ does not serve us reluctantly, partially, or with little regard. He possesses the greatest of gifts and He releases His unequaled and unfathomable grace … by giving up what He possessed as God as a ransom for all, to freely give all we need to be saved, nourished, and sustained in life here on earth and for eternity.

Our Serving Savior, who being God, became a man, so that what only God could give would be available freely to all. No one is left outside the banquet room of heavenly gifts because they do not have a certain heritage, qualifying credentials, or financial means. Everyone, excluding no one, is invited into the feast of love from the Heavenly Father and everyone has a place at the table because of the “Serving Savior” who welcomes all and gives all.

As a result of how we are served by our Lord, we are to serve. This should be our greatest desire and our lifelong manner of living. Oh Lord, lead us in your ways.

Rejoice in finding and knowing Jesus Christ who came to serve and serve others as you have been served and are being served. Christ is the greatest Servant because He possesses what is of the greatest value and He freely gives what he possesses to us all. All thanks and praise be to God in the gift of His only begotten Son, The Serving Savior!

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (New Living Translation, Matthew 20:28)

Image – Joshua Woroniecki – Pixabay – Public Domain

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