“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:3-5, ESV).
There is living hope. This is not a hope, based solely on the past, on something done for you, but a hope that is eternally alive. This is not a hope that bides its time without being of present value. There is nothing in your past that can take it away from you and nothing in the future that can deny the promises it holds for you. Grasp onto it with all your heart soul and mind. It is the one thing in your life that redeems your past, sustains you in the present, and will remain for eternity. Is there anything on this earth worth trading for this hope that is alive in such powerful ways?
The Living Hope is in the Living One. It comes from and is only found in Jesus Christ our Lord who was raised up from the dead that we might have an inheritance that cannot be taken away. We have a Living Hope! A hope that is alive: not a partial hope … not a sometimes hope … not a fake hope … not a futile hope … not a hope that fades away in the heat of the battle … not a shallow hope … not a little hope … not a crazy hope … not an illusionary hope, and not a positive-thinking hope. It is a Living Hope coming from a Living Lord. As followers of Jesus Christ, we do not have to wish for something that may or may not come, but we trust with faith, in a Living Savior.
Jesus Christ has redeemed you and saved you. You are His child. He has adopted you, given you freedom from sin and access to come into God’s very presence. He has given you amazing grace and filled you with an abundant life. He has made you special and given you a priceless treasure when you deserve nothing. He has sanctified you by the Holy Spirit and showered you with mercy. He is your true forever friend and healed you, carried you, lifted you up, protected you, watched over you, listened to you, taken your burdens, loved you, empowered you, suffered with you, and walked with you. He has not nor will He ever forget you or leave you. He has always forgiven you when you come to Him with a broken heart and finally, He will carry you to eternity with Him.
Trust and walk in the Living Hope alive in you. Let go of everything that would keep you away from Him and let Him have all of you. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord, you only have to call upon Him to save you and become your Living Hope. With all your heart, follow Him and you can be fully alive with the Living Hope!