Pure Worship is Pure Faith

Pure Worship For something to be pure, it must be free from all defilement, deceptiveness, and distortions. Religion can be pure or it can be false, and the actions stemming from religion can be consistent or non-consistent. Religion can denote many dimensional beliefs, various ascetic lifestyles, and guiding principles that translate into a way of …

A Prayer from James

If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s …

Being rich or poor …

Since ancient days in most cultures, certain people have been given an elevated position and others have been disregarded. Generally, poor people are treated poorly. They have little or no position in the culture and are given little or no respect. Generally, the people who possess wealth are elevated in most cultures. Over time in …

Pure Worship

For something to be pure, it must be free from all defilement, deceptiveness and distortions. Religion can be pure or it can be false, and the actions stemming from religion can be consistent or non-consistent. Religion can denote many dimensional beliefs, various ascetic lifestyles, and guiding principles that translate into a way of living. Worship …

Unchanging in a changing world.

    Every day as we look around us, things change.  People change, positions change, prospects change and even our health changes.  Some changes elicit new attitudes, growth and potential. Some do not. In the natural world, we wait in winter for plants to sprout, leaf out and eventually produce flowers or fruit.  If we look …

At Our Side

Imagine, you are a king. At your side, stand attendants, eagerly awaiting every command and longing to address any particular need that may arise. Just beyond the inner circle gathered around your throne in nearby quarters, are more advisors who are ready and waiting to give guidance and direction to any problem confronting your kingdom. …

Being Still

“Be still (quit striving), and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10 NIV & KJV). It is a wonderful thing that our Savior is with us each day. Greater still is the fact, that He has the words that can clear …

Steady My Gaze

Steady My Gaze Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, and everything yet to come, is in your hands, Oh Lord. I trust you with it all because You alone are my God! No one and nothing that comes against me is a match for who You are, Oh Lord. Your mighty hand of …